So you’ve got an old car sitting in your garage that you no longer want, and you’ve called up a scrap car removalist to pick up your car, but what should you do before they arrive? Some people overlook the basic things they can do before parting with their car, which can save them a lot of hassle and possibly a lot of money in the long run. We’ve compiled a list of the things you should do before getting rid of your car, to save you a massive headache later down the track.
Gather your belongings
Lots of people accidentally leave things in their car when they sell them, and only later realise that they’ve lost something important or sentimental. A lot of people who have cars spend a lot of time during the week in them, and so tend to leave things in them like they would in a bedroom or home. After years of owning a car, your personal belongings may have piled up in the trunk, on the dashboard, and in the nooks and crannies of your car. Before selling your car, look through it thoroughly. Many people leave car-related documents in their car, and even valuables like money and jewellery. Lots of people keep a spare change of clothes and shoes in their boot, so check for these if you like to always be prepared.
Arrange Your Papers
Make sure you gather all the documents related to your car, such as registration and insurance, before sending it off to the junkyard. This is because it’s important to have proof that you actually owned it. Some dealers won’t take your car if you don’t have these documents, and keeping them on hand afterwards will act as a safeguard just in case something happens to your car. Some people even choose to keep these documents and file them so that later dowthe road they can refer back to their purchase and selling history.
Cancel Your Car Insurance
Save yourself a lot of money and cancel your car insurance in advance so that you don’t receive any unexpected fees in the mail. Check when your cover ends and try to line up your sale with the expiration of your insurance. Also ensure that you’ve sorted out your ownership transferal.
Sell Your Valuable Parts
The main reason you’re probably selling your car is because you want to get some more money out of it. Keeping this in mind, make sure you save the parts of your car that will get you more money when sold separately. Parts like alternators, entertainment systems, starter motors and other valuable parts should be checked to see if they’re still in working condition and can be sold. Also check your car’s battery and wheels. You can salvage your tires by replacing them with ruined ones.
Look Out For the Best Deals
Have a good look around the market to see which dealers will offer you the most money for your car. Different dealers will offer you different rates regardless of the condition of your car. Doing a thorough search of all the available options will ensure you get the most money you possibly can. Sometimes dealers will offer you a lower rate than you expect, so you should be prepared to negotiate in order to get your desired price.
At Viper Cash For Cars, we will give you a reasonable price for your old or wrecked car. We also offer free car removals so that selling your car is a stress-free affair. Call us on 0435 237 333 today.
See more about our scrap car removal in Kotora, scrap car for cash in Mayfield & Toyota car wrecker and sell your car.